Sunday, November 29, 2009

June 14th

Damn... Haven't written for weeks. So I've successfully found a cool place in the Mission to live. I'm stoked, but its expensive, but what isn't here in San Francisco? I can't say things are going anything less then spectacular with Hilary. Everyday I dread her departure so I keep it locked away in the back of my mind. Here in the park its beautiful. Hippies playing Frisbee, climbing trees, tourists taking pictures, listening to steady harmonious thumping of bongos and smelling the herbs in the sweet summer air... geez I'd really like to smoke some right and get rid of this malicious hang-over haunting the dark corners of my mind. At the bar last night with her forking out a lot of loot when we go out, but different then usual I never feel like its a waist. I keep reminding myself that soon she'll be gone. I pretend she appreciates my kind gesture, but the sacrifice is never in vain... eventually I'll be alone again in this crazy ass city. My thoughts keep circling my story ideas, like the graphic novel of my adventures here in this mysterious city only symbolic of San Francisco, but I could ad vampires and werewolves to it... Although that could only be too Brett Easton Ellis, but a writer always uses his inspirations. I'll keep brainstorming.

Why waiste the energy on worry?
Sitting on edge awaiting that morning glory
Just more time slipping
Feet still on the ground
You stand with head up staring
To a future that can be
But did you forget to smell the sea?
and listen to the trees
They've watched you here dream
Unable to help when you had fallen between the seams
and dark places between the roads
Where we receive our scars and begin to grow
So breath the air, for when your time comes
You will already be so far
Never forgetting who you are
and stop looking up to the stars
Keep moving, never get stuck
In what could of been

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